• Езици от Google

Как да продам гоблените си тук?

"Гобленар" е тематична онлайн борса за гоблени, която предоставя възможност за публикуване на ушити гоблени за продажба във вид на обяви насочени към ценителите на това изкуство в България и чужбина.

Шийте гоблени по поръчка

Чрез съвременните технологии и удобството предоставящо Интернет, ние ви предоставяме възможност да шиете гоблени или бродерии по поръчка. Когато някой от посетителите на борсата за гоблени прояви интерес да му бъде ушит професионално гоблен, само регистрираните гобленари ще могат да предлагат оферти на клиента.

За да можете да шиете гоблени по поръчка, трябва да имате добавен поне един гоблен в борсата!

  • Активни гобленари: 2846
  • Профес. гобленари: 1334
  • Оферти с гоблени: 4248
  • Общо категории: 14

Наемете гобленар онлайн

Търсите професионален гобленар?
Обичате гоблените, но нямате възможност или време за шиене?
Искате да направите подарък на близък човек в България или чужбина или просто желаете да Ви се ушие гоблен професионално, със старание и любов?

Нашият сайт може да Ви помогне да намерите опитен гобленар, който да извърши тази услуга за Вас.

Нови гоблени в борсата

  • The boy with the dog
    • Ушит
    Категория: Битови сцени
    Dimensions: 10 inch (width) x 7 inch (length) / 25.5 cm (width) x 18 cm (length). It was finalized in 38 days (8 hours work/day). This handmade gobelin was created on white canvas, not on printed canvas with an image. Frame is not included. Please message for additional pictures or information. And a bit about myself...I’m Vio, an artisan from the quaint town of Curtea de Arges in Romania. I first learned the art of gobelin tapestry from my mother as a child, and after retiring, I rediscovered my love for this beautiful craft. What started as a way to pass the time has become a true passion for me. I pour care, love, and dedication into every piece, spending months on each one to ensure the highest quality. I also create personalized gobelin tapestries through commission work. I invite you to explore my creations and would love to hear any suggestions or comments you might have.
  • Playful cats
    • Ушит
    Категория: Животни
    Dimensions: 10.25 inch (width) x 8.25 inch (length) / 26 cm (width) x 21 cm (length). It was finalized in 45 days (8 hours work/day). This handmade gobelin was created on white canvas, not on printed canvas with an image. Frame is not included. Please message for additional pictures or information. And a bit about myself...I’m Vio, an artisan from the quaint town of Curtea de Arges in Romania. I first learned the art of gobelin tapestry from my mother as a child, and after retiring, I rediscovered my love for this beautiful craft. What started as a way to pass the time has become a true passion for me. I pour care, love, and dedication into every piece, spending months on each one to ensure the highest quality. I also create personalized gobelin tapestries through commission work. I invite you to explore my creations and would love to hear any suggestions or comments you might have.
  • The wolf
    • Ушит
    Категория: Животни
    Dimensions: 10.25 inch (width) x 8 inch (length) / 26 cm (width) x 20.5 cm (length). It was finalized in 44 days (8 hours work/day). This handmade gobelin was created on white canvas, not on printed canvas with an image. Frame is not included. Please message for additional pictures or information. And a bit about myself...I’m Vio, an artisan from the quaint town of Curtea de Arges in Romania. I first learned the art of gobelin tapestry from my mother as a child, and after retiring, I rediscovered my love for this beautiful craft. What started as a way to pass the time has become a true passion for me. I pour care, love, and dedication into every piece, spending months on each one to ensure the highest quality. I also create personalized gobelin tapestries through commission work. I invite you to explore my creations and would love to hear any suggestions or comments you might have.
  • The gipsy girl
    • Ушит
    Категория: Портрети
    Dimensions: 7.75 inch (width) x 10.5 inch (length) / 19.5 cm (width) x 26.5 cm (length). It was finalized in 43 days (8 hours work/day). This handmade gobelin was created on white canvas, not on printed canvas with an image. Frame is not included. Please message for additional pictures or information. And a bit about myself...I’m Vio, an artisan from the quaint town of Curtea de Arges in Romania. I first learned the art of gobelin tapestry from my mother as a child, and after retiring, I rediscovered my love for this beautiful craft. What started as a way to pass the time has become a true passion for me. I pour care, love, and dedication into every piece, spending months on each one to ensure the highest quality. I also create personalized gobelin tapestries through commission work. I invite you to explore my creations and would love to hear any suggestions or comments you might have.
  • Caroler
    • Ушит
    Категория: Битови сцени
    Dimensions: 10 inch (width) x 12 inch (length) / 25.5 cm (width) x 30.5 cm (length). It was finalized in 64 days (8 hours work/day). This handmade gobelin was created on white canvas, not on printed canvas with an image. Frame is not included. Please message for additional pictures or information. And a bit about myself...I’m Vio, an artisan from the quaint town of Curtea de Arges in Romania. I first learned the art of gobelin tapestry from my mother as a child, and after retiring, I rediscovered my love for this beautiful craft. What started as a way to pass the time has become a true passion for me. I pour care, love, and dedication into every piece, spending months on each one to ensure the highest quality. I also create personalized gobelin tapestries through commission work. I invite you to explore my creations and would love to hear any suggestions or comments you might have.
  • Rural landscape (horses eating)
    • Ушит
    Категория: Пейзажи
    Dimensions: 14 inch (width) x 10.75 inch (length) / 35.5 cm (width) x 27 cm (length). It was finalized in 54 days (8 hours work/day). This handmade gobelin was created on white canvas, not on printed canvas with an image. Frame is not included. Please message for additional pictures or information. And a bit about myself...I’m Vio, an artisan from the quaint town of Curtea de Arges in Romania. I first learned the art of gobelin tapestry from my mother as a child, and after retiring, I rediscovered my love for this beautiful craft. What started as a way to pass the time has become a true passion for me. I pour care, love, and dedication into every piece, spending months on each one to ensure the highest quality. I also create personalized gobelin tapestries through commission work. I invite you to explore my creations and would love to hear any suggestions or comments you might have.
  • Horses Running
    • Ушит
    Категория: Животни
    Dimensions: 14.25 inch (width) x 10 inch (length) / 36 cm (width) x 25.5 cm (length). It was finalized in 76 days (8 hours work/day). This handmade gobelin was created on white canvas, not on printed canvas with an image. Frame is not included. Please message for additional pictures or information. And a bit about myself...I’m Vio, an artisan from the quaint town of Curtea de Arges in Romania. I first learned the art of gobelin tapestry from my mother as a child, and after retiring, I rediscovered my love for this beautiful craft. What started as a way to pass the time has become a true passion for me. I pour care, love, and dedication into every piece, spending months on each one to ensure the highest quality. I also create personalized gobelin tapestries through commission work. I invite you to explore my creations and would love to hear any suggestions or comments you might have.
  • Romanian girl (tarancuta)
    • Ушит
    Категория: Портрети
    Dimensions: 6,75 inch (width) x 9.5 inch (length) / 17 cm (width) x 24 cm (length). It was finalized in 34 days (8 hours work/day). This handmade gobelin was created on white canvas, not on printed canvas with an image. Frame is not included. Please message for additional pictures or information. And a bit about myself...I’m Vio, an artisan from the quaint town of Curtea de Arges in Romania. I first learned the art of gobelin tapestry from my mother as a child, and after retiring, I rediscovered my love for this beautiful craft. What started as a way to pass the time has become a true passion for me. I pour care, love, and dedication into every piece, spending months on each one to ensure the highest quality. I also create personalized gobelin tapestries through commission work. I invite you to explore my creations and would love to hear any suggestions or comments you might have.
  • Winter Wonderland
    • Ушит
    Категория: Пейзажи
    Dimensions: 10.5 inch (width) x 14.25 inch (length) / 26.5 cm (width) x 36 cm (length). It was finalized in 79 days (8 hours work/day). This handmade gobelin was created on white canvas, not on printed canvas with an image. Please message for additional pictures or information. And a bit about myself...I’m Vio, an artisan from the quaint town of Curtea de Arges in Romania. I first learned the art of gobelin tapestry from my mother as a child, and after retiring, I rediscovered my love for this beautiful craft. What started as a way to pass the time has become a true passion for me. I pour care, love, and dedication into every piece, spending months on each one to ensure the highest quality. I also create personalized gobelin tapestries through commission work. I invite you to explore my creations and would love to hear any suggestions or comments you might have.
  • Wolves in the night
    • Ушит
    Категория: Животни
    Dimensions: 9.5 inch (width) x 14 inch (length) / 24 cm (width) x 36 cm (length). It was finalized in 72 days (8 hours work/day). This handmade gobelin was created on white canvas, not on printed canvas with an image. Frame is not included. Please message for additional pictures or information. And a bit about myself...I’m Vio, an artisan from the quaint town of Curtea de Arges in Romania. I first learned the art of gobelin tapestry from my mother as a child, and after retiring, I rediscovered my love for this beautiful craft. What started as a way to pass the time has become a true passion for me. I pour care, love, and dedication into every piece, spending months on each one to ensure the highest quality. I also create personalized gobelin tapestries through commission work. I invite you to explore my creations and would love to hear any suggestions or comments you might have.
Изкупувате ли гоблени?
Изкупувате ли гоблени?

Това може би е един от най-често задаваните ни въпроси, което е напълно разбираемо! Гобленар е специализирана борса за гоблени, където всеки може да добави гоблен за продажба, който да бъде закупен от друго/трето лице - купувач.

Ние нито купуваме, нито продаваме гоблени. Обявите в сайта са частни и ние не участваме по никакъв начин във взаимоотношенията между продавачи и купувачи на гоблени. Не гарантираме продажба и не участваме в парични сделки между двете страни.

Плаща ли се нещо при продажба?
Плаща ли се нещо при продажба?

Не. Както споменахме, ние не сме финансов посредник между продавачи и купувачи на гоблени, затова и няма комисион след осъществяване на сделка.

Всички директните съобщения се изпращат по автоматизиран начин чрез криптирана връзка и ние не разполагаме с информация кога, кой и по какъв начин е осъществил сделката си. Единственото нещо, което се закупува от сайта са електронните кредити, които са необходими за добавяне гоблени в сайта и обявяването им за продажба в борсата.

Програма за склад фактуриране на гоблени и аксесоари

Търгувате с гоблени и аксесоари за шиене но намирате издаването на фактури за досаден и труден процес? Програма за фактури “ФАКТУРНИК е идеално решение за Вашия бизнес. “ФАКТУРНИК” е съвременен софтуер с широк спектър от възможности за издаване на фактури, вторични търговски документи, складов модул и лесен за работа интерфейс на български и английски език.

Освен модул “Склад”, програмата разполага с възможност за разширена номенклатура, клиенти и контрагенти, справки за продажби на стоки и услуги по вид документи, обороти по периоди, видове плащания, най-продавани стоки и др. При необходимост, с “ФАКТУРНИК” можете да генерирате лесно и одиторски XML файл за НАП. Софтуерът поддържа работа с онлайн магазини, баркод четци и фискални устройства.